Backcountry embraces it's own's first employee and head buyer, Christian Gennerman, is currently in Egypt with his wife Dena Gennerman, who was traveling with family and involved in a serious car accident. Our love and support goes out to him and his family.
Anyone who know's Christian, knows of his love of life and love of the industry. His energy and dedication is contagious and is going to help Dena recover. Dena is such a strong, healthy, beautiful mother, friend and wife. We know together they are strong enough to make it through this time. It won't be easy, but the more support and positive vibes we can all generate together the better.
The community has pulled together for the Gennerman family and the support has been huge. They have set up a fund to take donations for the family and there will also be an event at Club Suede in Park City in a couple of weeks . We will be holding an silent auction at the event and welcome any product donations. Please ship the product to our headquarters in Park City.
Christian is posting updates on Dena and her recovery on the following site:
They hope to leave Egypt on Thursday or Friday by Medivac. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers- SEND POSITIVE VIBES! We love you Christian, Dena and Caden.
-Backcountry Crew

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