Come Join Us for Adopt A Crag Day in LCC
Now, you may be thinking that there's no way you'll waste even a moment of the perfect temps in Little, but Saturday's forecast so far calls for rain in the valley and snow in the mountains- so come out and spend the morning or afternoon volunteer shifts frolicking in the new snow, hanging out with fellow climbers, and leaving a positive mark on LCC.
For more information and to register online, go to: Hope you see you out there! 3 comments
Brrrrrr, can't they plan these things in the summer?
10/16/2007 8:31 PM
I know! During a time when it's too miserably hot to get on anything anyway... (but I'm a heat weenie.)
Still, I think it's going to be a good time, and hopefully the weather will clear enough afterward to get some bouldering in!
10/18/2007 8:40 PM
It was actually a great day and time of year to be outside getting some work done. Character building.... Here's some photos.
10/25/2007 9:28 AM
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