Using the Gear We Sell - well, most of it.
We'd like to think that we're a bunch of hard core's here at, following our mantra "We use the gear we sell". One of our own, Brett Williams has just upped the ante.
Brett was recently faced with a decision about what running shoe to purchase for the running season. "Do I get the La Sportiva Crossroads at $95 or do I go with a full road shoe in the Nike Airmax 360, at nearly $160?"
Decisions, decisions. So what did he do? He thought, "meh, who needs shoes" and he ditched his kicks and began running barefoot. I'm with ya least at the beach I'm with ya.
Brett just finished his first marathon and he did it barefoot. He told me that it "was a leisurely 5:04" since it was his first ever, with shoes or without. He's running in the Wasatch Back Relay on team later this month.
Brett gives new meaning to "rest your weary feet"

The Full Story - Wall Street Journal - free online subscription required 0 comments
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