Winter at Westminster
Here's what you tell your parents -

Translation: "I'll be learning how to do homework on the drive to Snowbird while studying abroad in Utah and thanks to a season pass at The Canyons as well as one to Snowbird, along with a "free" pair of Rossignol skis I'll spend all my spare time skiing 9990 at The Canyons and spinning tram laps at the bird while getting to know the local ski bum ways."
Winter at Westminster is a winter program with the perfect balance between the rigors of college and the passion for skiing and snowboarding. College students from all over the country enroll at Westminster College as full-time visiting students earning 12–16 transferable credits while riding 70+ days. As part of the enrollment you'll get a pass to The Canyons and your choice of either a pass to Alta or one to Snowbird. You'll also get a discount code to (yep, we are a sponsor)to pick up any new gear you need.
If you enroll and your parents plunk down the loot before Oct. 19 you'll be sporting your choice of either some Dynastar skis or a Rossignol Snowboard. Tell mom the skis can be for your Christmas present. It's a done deal.
Details on Winter at Westminster
Labels: sponsored events, Skiing
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