Why just have one? 2007 Adventure Contest by Christian Paul

Each year at Backcountry.com, we have a contest from May to October in which you earn points to enter a gear raffle. We also have the opportunity to write a story about an adventure we had during the contest. It is like the "Best Adventure of the Year Award" for the contest. I thought that I would do something different this year. Since I had so many adventures, I thought I would share with you, the reader, my Adventure Contest from start to finish, and what this contest as a whole means to me. I decided that a month by month recap would give all of you reading this a chance to see the life of a Gearhead in the flesh. I will share with you my passion for what I love to do, why this passion exists and why I love working at Backcountry.com. Follow along as I break down this year's contest month by month- here we go!
May 2007
This story begins with an end, an end to snowboarding here in Utah for Season 2007. I was shooting for a goal of 60 rides - I got 67. May 3rd, 5th, and 6th were legendary indeed.

So on to hiking for the summer it is. The 10th and 12th I hit Bells Canyon and on the 14th I hiked Big Willow with the new gear from Golite that I was chosen to test.

I have been to just about every wilderness area imaginable in Utah, but Escalante was one spot I had yet to explore. So my friends Jared and Marc and I headed out on a Wednesday night and pitched camp next to the Paria river at about 2 a.m. Upon waking, it was time to hit the trail. Packs loaded, we headed into the Paria Box. We spotted cougar tracks as we headed out into Old Paria. Steadily, we followed the river, and finally stopped in the mouth of the canyon we wanted to get to. Out came the Sirius 2 and we had camp!

Not to have lost the adventure bug, we hiked part of the Black Hawk Trail on the 27th, camped at 8,000 feet that night in Payson Canyon, and hiked the Mount Nebo trail the next day till the snow was too deep and steep in the North Cirque. I would say the May turned out to be a great start this year, but the adventure has only just begun.
June 2007
June was very strange climate-wise. We started off hot, then had some stormy weather. I started the Month on the 2nd, and hiked the road in Millcreek Canyon from Terraces to Elbow Fork.

Then a short hop up to Bells Canyon on the 3rd. Behold, snowboarding is not over. A freak storm puts snow up Little Cottonwood Canyon, so I do a road side camp up the canyon and I am up at the crack of dawn and hiking Gad Valley for freshies. Found them! Hiked past Mid Gad and rode to the bottom. That Saturday there was some really good slush, so I hiked Collins and rode it all the way down. Sunday was the last day of the year to ride, with some drop-in runs on my Burton Malolo in the Brighton Half-Pipe. After putting away the board for the year, I decided that just hiking a gulch was not seeing everything, so I did a stint of canyon traverses this year.

On the 16th, I hiked from Alta to Brighton via the Catherine Pass trail to Catherine Pass to the Brighton Lakes Trail to the Brighton ticket office. The 17th I made my weekly visit to Bells Canyon. Made a mid-week stop on the way home to Rocky Mouth Falls. The 23rd was another traverse from Big Cottonwood Canyon to Millcreek Canyon. Starting at the Upper s-turn trail head,

I hiked Mill B North. This was a steep and strenuous climb to get to the West Porter Fork Pass. Once there, you traverse a cirque below Mt. Raymond, and head to the Porter Fork Pass. After 3300 feet of elevation gain and a lengthy traverse in really hot temps for this altitude, descending Porter Fork was brutal, to say the least. Eight miles later, I could have not been more happy to see my wife there to pick me up.
The 24th was a relaxing day where I got to go catch some sun on top of some boulders in my personal favorite, Bells Canyon. A long day at work on the 27th took me up to Rocky Mouth Falls to get a break from thinking about things, and a lot of thinking I had to do.

July 2007
Seeming to always navigate back to this place for meditation and tranquility, July 1st I find myself hiking Bells Canyon again. This canyon does a wonderful 4 season transformation, and July puts it in summer mode.

Being that in the United States, Independence Day was approaching, me and fellow Backcountry.com mate, Jared, headed out to catch a night in the Wasatch because of the full moon. The hike in began after work on the 3rd. We made good time to Willow Heights Lake and up the saddle to the ridge for one hell of a sunset. We built camp, and watched day turn into night. With my Sirius 2 pitched, we settled in for a fantastic evening on the ridge.

The 7th took me to one of my all time favorite hikes,Lake Blanch.

Reconnecting with a long time friend Marc on July 11th, we decided an evening hike to Catherine Pass would be a great getaway for the day.

By far the most amazing adventure was about to happen. Friday, July 13th, 2007 my daughter Milora was born.

Finishing the month out with surely one of the best hikes of the season, I visited White Pine Lake in Little Cottonwood Canyon. Really a nice note to leave this month on, kind of hard to top off the greatest adventure of my life.
August 2007
This is the month of my birthday, and it was not a boring one to say the least. On the 4th, I hiked Collins Gulch to Germania Pass, to feel the first chill since April at this altitude.

This month was a shorter month for me. Family in town and a newborn did limit my activity, but I was still able to get out there. Let that be a lesson for new parents: With some cooperation, and understanding, there is no reason you have to stop living your life.
September 2007
Well with my luck, September 1st landed on a Saturday. And with it still being very warm in the valley, a hike to Sunset Peak was in order. Great views and one of my favorite peaks to bag in the Wasatch.

With some paid time off needing to be taken, my mini vacation started with a hike to the boulder field in Bells Canyon on the 14th. The 15th, with rumor of fall colors setting in up Diamond Fork Canyon, I hiked to the ridge, then back to the hot springs for a soak.

Tuesday the 25th, I hiked to my favorite spot up Rocky Mouth Canyon.

Nothing epic I assure you, but to get turns on my Malolo and a run to the base in September is something I will never pass up. What a priceless place Utah is, to start a month bagging a peak in shorts and ending it snowboarding is unreal.
October and Summary
Our contest has finally come to an end. It will snow soon, and all the fall colors are out. Time to reflect on everything I have done this year. No other job I have ever had gives you the opportunity to push yourself to the limits in what you love to do and still provide you with a fulfilling work environment with some of the most talented, kind, understanding and gifted people as I get the pleasure of working with everyday.
So to sum it up, I got 7 rides in for the contest, 58 days hiking, 56,482 vertical feet of elevation gain, I wrote 108 product reviews, picked up 1,090 pieces of trash, and spent 10 nights camping under the stars. Not bad, for getting married this year, having a 60+ ride season snowboarding, having a baby, and then doing this all on top of working a 40 hour a week job. This would test the metal of anyone. But it was the activity that kept me sane, the return to the wilderness for peace and clarity, and the opportunity to get in on some great gear that made this year all that much more incredible to me.
I can say that Backcountry.com is the best job I have ever had. I get to work with the gear that I love everyday, help my company reach a goal of providing the best gear in the business, and back that gear with our dedication to the activities that we all love to do. I can tell you this, when I did not think I could go any further, I pushed it just a little bit harder because of this contest. Of course everything has to come to an end, and what would there be a finish line for if it were not the end? 6th place overall in points is not that bad considering. I am very happy to have archived that and look forward to next year's contest.
Labels: Backcountry.com Employee Adventure Report
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