I woke Saturday morning to a distinct smell and feel to the air...rain, cold rain and that earthy smell that a long overdue rain brings with it. For the first time in months the weather had shifted from hot and dry Utah heat to Pacific Northwest rain (read - drizzle) with low hanging clouds as if to signal that fall is just around the corner with winter to closely follow.

Another sign of the seasons changing is the
Semi Annual Sale over at Backcountry.com that kicked off this morning and runs through September 3rd. I was surprised to see how much stuff is winter related. Guess it's time to clean out the winter gear closet and refill it with some nice finds like these:
(FYI - To find the deals click on the "Sort By" drop-down and select "% Off" from a category page(like Alpine Skiing) and you'll get right to the nitty gritty)Head Mojo 90, 193cm, 1 pair left at $359.37 (I love this ski) - 50% off
Burton AK Continuum Fuse Jacket at $199.98 - 40% off

Black Diamond Shadow Backpack - at $113.97 - 40% off

I was bummed a bit to not see a big pile of climbing gear on sale especially since the banner on the front of the site (see the top image) is a sweet pic of some chic climbing a multi-pitch route with a nut in her mouth, getting ready to place it. But then again it's rare that climbing gear goes on sale anymore. However, after checking with my sources I'm told that at or before 2pm (Mountain Standard Time) there is another push of 8000 sale priced items that will hit the site, some of which will be climbing gear. I'm crossing my fingers.
Labels: Backcountry.com
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