Goat Sighting - Bone Creek, Northern Kentucky
This week's "Show Us Your Goat" winner turns the tide from wintry snowy goat outings to the warm summer goat fun. Shane was kayaking near Big Bone Lick State Park, which has a very interesting history of mammoths and mastodons. (click the link, I'm telling ya it's interesting)
Photo Shot by: Shane Hatchel
Photo Location: Big Bone Creek, Northern Kentucky
About the photo:
Big Bone Creek is in Northern Kentucky by Big Bone Lick State Park. It was the first time I was kayaking in a river. There was no white water and the river was muddy and smally. I didn't go too far as I didn't want to end up in the Ohio River. I'm going to kayak more often and take some classes so I can take on a real river with white water.

As a weekly winner Shane will receive a Backcountry.com Nalgene water bottle that he can use on his next kayaking adventure.
If you think you've got what it takes to stick a winner but you haven't got a sticker to stick, well head on over to Backcountry.com and get yourself a FREE goat sticker. Then get out there and stick it, take a photo and submit it online. 0 comments
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