Goat Sighting - Angel Falls, Venezuela
Although this looks to me like a love fest between The North Face and Backcountry.com it's most certainly adventure at its finest. Luis sent us the following message along with this photo:
Hello Dear Friends,Believe me Luis, the love fest is mutual. If you stop exploring you stop growing....pretty much sums it up.
...take a small sample in what we are doing in Venezuela Climbing and exploring the Jurassic Land of TEPUYS. We have more than 54 hours of film and more than 13 Gb of pictures of this 2 expeditions and we have 2 more expeditions planning for this year.
For the next expeditions we need more equipment that we order from you soon by e-mail, thank you for your help we really appreciate !!!
We like to share pictures with my friends trying to help others to figure out that we have a small planet whit unending beauty and possibilities ... if you stop exploring you stop growing ...
I hope you like the pictures, thank you very much for your help i wish to you happiness and prosperity!!!
Warmest Regards
Luis E.
Check out more of Luis' images on his Rockclimbing.com profile page.
Photo Shot by: unknown
Photo Location: Angel Falls, Venezuela
About the photo: Sunset with the Angel Falls behind, the falls are full of water after 3 days raining.

Goat Sighting winners receive a Backcountry.com Organic Goat Tee Shirt for submitting a winning photo.
If you think you've got what it takes to stick a winner but you haven't got a sticker to stick, head on over to Backcountry.com and get yourself a FREE goat sticker by filling out the form or by placing an order as each box we ship gets a free sticker. Then get out there and stick it, take a photo and submit it online.
Labels: Climbing, Goat Sighting
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