"I want to ride my bicycle" - more snow in the Wasatch
On Monday a raging winter storm brought another 12"-15" of famous Utah powder to the upper reaches of the Wasatch Mountains. Winter just won't relent its grasp and give in to warmer temps and brown slopes.
As I headed out for a bit of lunch on Monday the snow was pounding, coming in sideways like a solid January storm...in April. I noticed that parked next to me was a shiny new Nissan Titan with a guy sitting in it. As I got closer I could hear music blaring from his stereo and saw that he was in full concentration mode, hands gripping the steering wheel (the truck was not running), staring forward into the falling snow, focused on an unseen distant point and unemotionally singing along to the Queen classic:
I want to ride my bicycleI couldn't help it, I had to stay and watch this scene playing out before me. If his focus and energy could have been harnessed in some way all of the snow then falling snow would have melted and evaporated immediately leaving a more appealing landscape for him to ride his bike. He kept singing along:
I want to ride my bike
Bicycle bicycle bicycleI tried not to stare. It didn't matter though. He wouldn't see me. Although I'm all for winter to keep on giving through June, for just that moment I wanted to grant him his wish. I could feel his pain in the same sort of way I long for winter in the October when it's not uncommon for Utah to see temps in the upper 80's.
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
As I drove away there he sat, the music so loud it was as if I had it playing on my radio:
Cause all I wanna do isHere's to you Mr. Bicycle Man in the shiny new Nissan Titan. I hope you can ride your bike soon.
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like
P.S. - Like a faithful winter fanatic I had to get out and test the quality of the powder. I don't think it's going to melt soon enough for you.

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