Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Powder Video awards are a highlight of every season for me. Now in its ninth year, it’s one of the only venues where professional freeskiers, filmers, and photographers are recognized for their hard work throughout the year. This season, several Backcountry athletes grabbed the spotlight.

Ingrid Backstrom shut out the women’s field with Best Female Performance.

Sage Cattabriga-Alosa, already a legend in skiing, simply dominated. He took the coveted Best Line, Best Male Performance, appeared in the Photo of the Year by Adam Clark, and Best POV.

We’re extra stoked on the POV award, as all the footage came straight from the VIO POV.1, a sick little cam that’s taking over the helmet cam world. One of the greatest things about it is the lipstick cam can pretty much go anywhere—on skis, helmets, bikes…basically whatever your imagination comes up with. Sage has obviously figured out how to make the most of it.

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