Monday, May 12, 2008

I agree, biking is way better

Here's a story about a local Salt Lake biker who had his ride stolen. He eventually tracked it down on ebay, but by the time he managed to do this, the police informed him that the person in possesion of his bike was the "rightful owner". His story is pretty interesting and he also provides information on how to prevent something like this from happening to you, as well as a campaign for changing a legislative bill that reduced the number of days a pawn shop must check an item's serial number before selling it.


  1. Wow that is just insane, the sad thing is these pawn shops know that most of there goods are stolen yet they do nothing about it. They can't tell that a homeless guy that comes in there day after day with high priced items is probably a thief?

    They need to close these shops down!

  2. Yes, it is definitely upsetting that some people don't give a darn where their income comes from or about the impact of their business. But this kind of indifference is certainly not limited to pawn shop purveyors.

    What can you do but try to live differently? ;)
